
Here you will find useful information about the club, local birding, items of interest, and more.

Local Birding

Information about local birding sites.

Local Checklist

Here is a local checklist of birds identified in Richmond County, Georgia and Aiken County, South Carolina which includes the seasonal status of the birds.

General Birding Links

American Birding Association

Audubon South Carolina

Beginner’s Guide to Bird Watching

Another Beginner’s Guide to Birding, by Blinds Chalet

The Carolina Bird Club

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

Georgia Ornithological Society

eBird – quintessential tool and website for active birding

Cornell Bird Academy – learn! study!

National Audubon Society

Phinizy Center and Nature Park

South Carolina Rare Bird Alert

Georgia Rare Bird Alert

Birding as a Hobby (note: home financing site, but the info on birding is great for beginners)