Phinizy Waterfowl Drive

This is a Phinizy Swamp Nature Park event and there is a $10 fee.  You need to register on pay fee on the Phinizy Website.

Silver Bluff Quail Trail

Meet at the Visitor Center at Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary at 9 am to walk the Quail Trail looking for woodland and grassland birds.

Phinizy Nature Park Loop

Join us at 9 am in the Phinizy parking lot to bird the 2 1/2 mile loop or around the wetlands depending on the trail conditions looking for winter birds and possible early spring arrivals.

Wings and Things Silver Bluff

Meet at the Visitor Center at Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary at 9 am.  This trip is a naturalist field trip and could last into the afternoon.  We will wander various areas of the property looking for whatever we can find, … Read More

Lovers Lane

Meet Popeyes at Gordon Hwy and Walton Way at 8 am to carpool.  We will look for spring arrivals and migrants.  Trip will last until approximately noon.

Earth Day Aiken

Celebrate Earth Day and stop by our booth at the Newberry Street Festival Area.  See the Earth Day Aiken website for details of scheduled activities.  

Jackson Landing Road

Meet at Kathwood Ponds at 8 am to carpool.  This should be the height of migration, and we will look for them all.  Landing Rd can be a fantastic place for migrating birds.  Trip will last until around noon.

Wings and Things Aiken State Park

We will meet at 9 am at the swimming hole parking area.  There is a small charge to enter the park.  This is a naturalist field trip with a primary focus on dragonflies.  Aiken State Park is a the best … Read More

Beginner Birding Workshop

Audubon's Silver Bluff Center and Sanctuary 4542 Silver Bluff Road, Jackson, United States

Meet at the Silver Bluff Audubon Sanctuary.  Drop in from 9 am to 1 pm.  Guided bird walks, basics of birding, field guides, apps, how to identify birds and places to bird.  More details to be announced.